
  • CORE-H: a digital research environment for the humanities

    Analysis of requirements and first prototypical realization using the example of research on southwestern and central German humanism

    The impulse project is intended as a first step towards realizing a vision of a digital and collaborative research environment for the humanities (CORE-H: Collaborative Open Research Environment for the Humanities).

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  • The Archbishops of Cologne and the Empire
    Heiratsnetzwerk des deutschen Hochadels im 12. Jahrhundert
    Heiratsnetzwerk des deutschen Hochadels im 12. Jahrhundert
    Picture: MEPHISTO, CC BY 4.0

    Network Analysis of the relations to the Hohenstaufen emperors Frederick I Barbarossa and Henry VI

    In this PhD project, the relations between Cologne archbishops and Hohenstaufen emperors at the end of the 12th century are investigated using methods of historical network analysis.

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  • UrNet

    A knowledge base of charters for the generation of networks

    This proof of concept study investigated how networks can be generated semi-automatically from textual data (charters). The approach used provides a formal representation of knowledge extracted from the deeds in a knowledge base. By specifying explicit criteria, networks are automatically generated from the knowledge base, which can then be analyzed and interpreted by the historian.

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